Wire Guides
Scissors and Blades
Ceramics Eyelets / Pulleys
Wire Tensioners
The company is divided into two sectors with different activities. A sector devoted to the sales and service of winding machines, welding and all its accessories and components and other business for the automation of machine tools. Programming of PLCs Siemens and ABB robots.
The ORLANDO RICARDO SANTOS has in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Greece, Czech Republic and South America, the largest multinational electronic level of the world as our customers.
Represented in Portugal, Spain, Brazil and other countries, companies Winding Technology, El-Groupe and Renex. .
The company
was established in
September 2002 as
OS &
P Technician
Electrical Ltd
by Orlando
Ricardo Santos.
It is a
company devoted to
the branch of the
electrical industry,
and automation.
The company is located in the northern part of Portugal and operates throughout the Country as well as in South America, Africa and Europe.
Company with 5 employees not only acts in the area of sales, as it has a technical department for assistance area, spare parts and after sales service.
In our tables we have staff with over twenty-five years of experience at winding and welding and personal with over twenty years' experience in technical assistance.
Orlando Ricardo Santos, responsible for the technical assistance of winding machines and welding in Europe and America to South.
We operate in the winding and welding of components such as transformers, coils, relays, ignition, solenoid, etc.. for the automotive industry, household appliances, electrical, lighting, etc
.We do programs, maintenance and rebuild winding machines and welding. Programmed automata Siemens series 200, 300 and 1200.
Alzira Santos, responsible for the commercial components for the electronics industry.
We execute all types of cutting blades and felts for winding machines.
We sell porcelain for passing wire, tape machines metering, transmission belts, pneumatic equipment, wire strippers, wire tensioners as well as all kinds of accessories for industrial electrical / electronics.
From 2013 to ORLANDO RICARDO SANTOS created a department of automation and is investing in the automation of machines and tools.
Nowadays to be competitive in an increasingly more difficult, you can not do everything manually. It is necessary to automate the most of our resources so we can have competitive prices.
Automate manual tools is not very difficult and the end result is not very tempting.
Now in partnership with VIU company, we develop and construct any type of machine you need. We also recover you old machines.
Due to our new production process and cut felts, the ORLANDO RICARDO SANTOS can provide felts with varied dimensions and deliveries much fast.
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